marți, 14 februarie 2012

Dear Valentino,
I know that today you are the most busiest man in the world but I can't stop making a request. I can imagine that you are overwhelmed by the entire situation since millions of people are expecting you today. You share love at no charge, stop women from watching all over again "Dirty Dancing" on their own, from being chocoholic or compulsive shopers and even manage to determine men to have a break from their football game in an attempt to do something nice for their lovers. I must say that I admire youre efforts but this is not enough and I have to ask you to resign since you are doing youre job only partially. People don't need only one day to love themselves, they should learn to appreciate what they have constantly, to live each moment as if it was the last one. They don't need a day, they would rather use a textbook in order to learn how to express their emotions. I do believe that Santa Clause is doing his job better than you. This is the reason why he always receives cookies from me. Don't take it personal, but I just can't stand watching how you learn people that love is a commercial emotion which has a price, a time limit and a warranty.
P.S: Don't even try to take me to court for defaimation since I am a future lawyer.
With love, Roxana